The Garden & Sustainable Ecosystem

To be in harmony with our environment is one of Mandali’s core values.

From the early days, a foundation was laid for a sustainably managed ecosystem. Eco-friendly materials were used for its construction, wood chips fire our heating system, and solar energy powers our kitchen and swimming pool. Any surplus power is shared with the main local grid, so it can be used by the local community. Sustainability also applies to our daily fresh vegetarian menu, which is sourced locally.


We hope our garden inspires you to live in harmony with nature as you take in the  graceful presence of flowers, bees, chestnut trees and our resident cats; Barolo, Bhumi and Shanti.

Scattered across the garden you will discover many peaceful places for you to walk, sit and ponder. We also have a sweet little pond, lovingly guarded by Ganesha.

Near the edge of the property, you’ll find a carefully crafted Zen labyrinth, a cosy fire pit, and on the outskirts, you’ll discover a centuries-old water well, towards the back gate. Beyond that, you’ll also see an ancient statue of Maria pointing her finger in the direction of Mandali’s centrepiece; our Temple. It was this gesture that confirmed to our founders that Mandali was indeed the perfect place to create the retreat centre they had envisioned. Although you can find icons and symbols from various religions, we do not belong to nor reject any philosophy of life in particular.

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